Mystery shopping has actually been around for years, but as management teams increasingly preach the gospel of being close to one's customers, the emphasis on customer service has given Mystery Shopping a new lease of life.
Quality Check Undercover Mystery Shopping lets you see yourself as your customers see your business. It is a totally unbiased research method of collecting data for the purpose of spotting small problems before they become big problems.
It enables management to make changes in policy and procedure when necessary as well as reward personnel who meet or exceed the company's customer service standards. Moreover, mystery shopping is a proven strategy that continuously helps align the interest of your business and its associates with those of your customers.
While businesses typically get customer input from feedback cards and toll-free telephone numbers, these techniques do not reveal many problems that can cost customers.
These methods generally define either the outrageously dissatisfied or the exceptionally well-pleased customer yet does very little in defining the gray area of consumer satisfaction: that is, from your average customer's point of view.
As an added note to support this rationale, research indicates that nine out of ten dissatisfied customers will stop patronizing a firm without registering a complaint; they will, however, speak negatively to between nine and twelve other people about their dissatisfaction.
Thus a growing number of businesses and organizations just like yours are making good use of independent, unbiased mystery shoppers. Our mystery shoppers pose as regular customers, then fill out a detailed audit form immediately after a call or visit. They note how they were greeted by salespeople and how they were treated during the visit.
Mystery shoppers examine the way merchandise is displayed and how salespeople handle their questions, complaints and returns. They will also check on whether employees offer information about special promotions or explain company services properly.